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Hypnobirthing in September

Learn to release fear and anxiety around labour & birth

350 euros
Monread Avenue

Service Description

Hypnobirthing is a complete birth preparation course, teaching you how to release fear and anxieties surrounding labour and birth, to be replaced with a positive mindset and excitement. During this 2 day course you will learn all about: Changes in the body in the lead up to labour and birth The importance of the mind in labour and birth Relaxations and meditations Breathing techniqes Birth partner's role during labour and birth How to navigate the maternity system and learn what questions to ask The different stages of labour including comfort measures This course is definitely not one to be missed! The only course you will ever do where sleeping and snoring is highly encouraged! All learning materials will be provided to you and your birth partner, refreshments provided on both days including a light lunch on day 2. You can also claim back if you have private health insurance.

Cancellation Policy

The fee will be repaid promptly and in full if your baby arrives before the course or in the very unlikely event of the course being cancelled. These are the only circumstances under which a refund will be made.

Contact Details

  • Studio 3 Yoga, Pilates & Holistic Centre, Monread Avenue, Monread South, Naas, County Kildare, Ireland


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